Three Qualities Blister-Prone People Should Look For In Work Boots

Are you frequently developing blisters after you wear your work boots? Many people assume blisters on the feet are just a consequence of a hard day's work, but this is not the case. If you choose boots with certain qualities, you can reduce your risk of blisters. Here's a look at three qualities every blister-prone person should look for in a pair of boots:


Many work boots have rubber-coated toes, which seem like a great idea for wet environments. However, this feature likely does more harm than good when it comes to blisters, since it does not let any moisture escape from the boot. Blisters are caused by a combination of moisture, friction and heat. A well-ventilated boot allows moisture and heat to escape, decreasing your risk of a blister.

So, what does ventilation look like in a work boot? In some cases, it comes in the form of a few air holes into the toe area. Other times, ventilation is provided by a lace-up boot style. Air can flow between the tongue of the boot and the sides of the lace area.

Removable Insoles

At the end of a long, hot day, your boots may get a bit damp from sweat, even if they are well ventilated. An hour or two of moisture at the end of the day is one thing, but start the next day with boots that are still moist, and you can count on having some nasty blisters. Removable insoles make it a lot easier to dry your boots out after a long day. Just slide the insole out, hang it up to dry for a few hours, and then put it back into the boot.

Soft, Plush Interiors

Yes, work boots are meant to be rugged, but you should stay away from those that are too rugged on the inside. A tough rubber or leather interior won't conform well to your foot, so your foot will move around in the boot a lot more, leading to friction that causes blisters. Look for boots with a soft, squishy inside. As you wear the boots, this interior will conform to the shape of your foot, so the boot does not shift around as you walk.

If you want to keep working hard, you need to keep your feet in good shape. Choose high-quality work boots from White's Boots with the features above, and blisters can be a thing of the past.

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