Going On A Beach Vacation? Don't Forget These Apparel Necessities

Heading off to spend some time at the beach is definitely an exciting way to spend a weekend. Between soaking up rays in the sun and enjoying a seaside atmosphere, you will have plenty to do. But, before you throw some stuff in a bag and head out the door, you should know that having the right stuff in tow once you arrive will make all the difference in how good of a time you have on your vacation. Use this checklist to make sure you have these apparel necessities packed in your luggage.

Take along two swimsuits, not just one. 

A beach vacation will undoubtedly involve a lot of time at, well, the beach of course. You may be tempted to grab your favorite bikini and think you are ready to go, but it's always a good idea to take at least two swimsuits on a beach vacation. For one, you may or may not have access to a laundry service, and, even if you do, stopping every night to wash the bathing suit you wore throughout the day can be a burden. Take along two suits and you will always have another washed and ready when your other one is dirty. 

Lightweight beach wear or cover ups are a must. 

Vacation spots by the beach are notorious for having all kinds of fun things to do right along the shore. In most places, you will have access to water sports and activities, bars, restaurants, and even small shops and attractions. It will be really convenient if you already have something lightweight on hand that you can slip right over your bathing suit and look like you are fully dressed. So make sure you bring along a lightweight dress or cover-up or two. For some great beach wear options, check out a retailer like Jaline Design.

A cardigan or light jacket may be necessary. 

People who travel to a beach location for the first time are often surprised just how cool the ocean breeze can be, especially after dark and even in a tropical atmosphere where temperatures are really high through the day. Therefore, it is always a good idea to bring along a lightweight cardigan or jacket you can slip your arms into if you happen to be outdoors at night when it gets chilly. Plus, if you happen to get a little too much sun and still want to head outdoors, the long sleeves can help protect your skin.

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dressing for the changing spring temperatures

Do you know how to dress for the changing temperatures that come with spring? During the day, the temperature can be very warm, but as soon as the sun begins to set, things cool off. There are a few things you can do to prepare for the cooler temperatures without taking away from your stylish wardrobe selection for the day. You can learn how I alter my clothing to be warm when I need to, but also to be cool when the weather is too warm for a sweater. Hopefully, you will learn how to create new looks for the spring that you will enjoy wearing and be comfortable in.