You're Ready For Your Big Day: 3 Steps That Will Help You Avoid Problems With Your Wedding Dress

Now that you've chosen the wedding dress, it's time to make sure that everything is perfect for the big day. The last thing you want is to have your wedding day ruined by problems with the wedding dress. You might not realize this, but a lot of things can go wrong with the dress, especially if you're not careful in the days leading up to your wedding. Here are three steps you need to take to protect your wedding dress, and prevent a disaster.

Switch to Maintenance After Final Fitting

When it comes to your wedding day, you want everything to be perfect, which means you want to look your best. If you've begun a weight loss routine prior to your wedding, you might have had your dress altered a few times to adjust for your weight loss. However, you want to make sure that you don't lose so much weight that your dress doesn't fit properly on your wedding day. One way to do that is to switch into maintenance mode after the final fitting. That way, your dress will still fit perfectly when you slip into it on your wedding day.

Choose the Right Garment Bag

When you pick up your dress from the shop, you'll want to make sure that it's in a bag that will provide it with the best protection. If the bag that you're provided with at the dress shop isn't breathable, you'll need to switch that as soon as possible. This is particularly important if you live in a region that experiences significant moisture levels. Leaving your dress in a bag that's not breathable could leave you to deal with a musty odor on your wedding day. Not only that, but significant levels of moisture buildup inside the bag could lead to mildew, which you definitely don't want your dress to be covered in when you're walking down the aisle. Placing your wedding dress in a breathable bag will help you avoid musty odors and mildew.

Resist the Urge to Allow Peaks

While your dress is hanging in your room, you may be tempted to give friends and family members a quick peak. That's one thing you want to avoid at all costs. Just one quick spill, or a touch with dirty hands, could stain your dress and ruin it for your big day. To make sure your dress doesn't end up with stains before your wedding, resist the urge to let others peak at it.

For more information or assistance, contact a local expert in wedding dress alterations.

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