Taking Care Of Your Favorite Screen Printed Shirts

Screen printed shirts, like a Camp Half Blood Tshirt, are a common fashion item due to the versatility of the images that can be printed on them. However, individuals often assume that these shirts will always have very short lifespans. Yet, this can be the result of failing to take a handful of steps that can benefit these shirts.

Opt For High Quality Printed Shirts

The quality of the printed image will be one of the most important factors when choosing a shirt. If the quality of the print is poor, it will be more likely to fade regardless of the efforts that you take to care for it. Before buying a screen printed shirt, you may want to review the printed image to ensure that the print is fairly thick as well as free of loose edges or bubbles as this could contribute to it failing in the future.

Keep The Water Cold

Whenever you wash your screen printed shirts, it is vital to use cold water. When individuals use hot water, it can cause extensive damage to the printed image. This damage results from the heat weakening the bond between the printed image and the fabric. As a result, individuals that wash their screen printed shirts in hot water will find that they fade and peel much more quickly. In addition to helping to preserve these articles of clothing, this can also help to reduce the energy costs of washing your clothes.

Let The Shirt Air Dry

It can be routine for many individuals to simply transfer all of the clothes from the washing machine into the dryer. However, dryers can be extremely harsh on many types of clothing, and screen printed shirts are some of these. Depending on the settings of your dryer, it may actually be able to get hot enough to melt the screen printing. Allowing for enough time for these shirts to air dry can allow you to easily avoid this particular problem.

Invert The Shirt

When the shirt is being washed, inverting it can provide some important benefits as it will protect the screen printing during rough washing cycles. If there is a stain or other mark that you need to remove, you may want to apply a spot treatment to it. For the best results, you may want to leave the spot treatment in place for several minutes before putting it into the wash so that it can loosen the stain and make it easier to remove despite the shirt being inverted.

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dressing for the changing spring temperatures

Do you know how to dress for the changing temperatures that come with spring? During the day, the temperature can be very warm, but as soon as the sun begins to set, things cool off. There are a few things you can do to prepare for the cooler temperatures without taking away from your stylish wardrobe selection for the day. You can learn how I alter my clothing to be warm when I need to, but also to be cool when the weather is too warm for a sweater. Hopefully, you will learn how to create new looks for the spring that you will enjoy wearing and be comfortable in.